There are many reasons people do not work out, however, I think that one of the main issues is the price of some of the exercise equipment. One company in particular that I want to talk about is Hammer Strength. This company is overpriced machinery and yet you still see their products everywhere. Here are just a few of the machines or pieces of equipment with their price point:
- Hammer Strength Olympic Flat Bench ($2,249)
- Hammer Strength VKR Vertical Knee Raise ($1549)
- This is a product that I think you could build with stuff laying around your house
- Fixed Barbell set 20-60 pounds ($1549)
These prices are absolutely absurd and a company like this can build these machines for a fraction of the price and then up-charge like crazy. As well as this, you think if you were to spend that much money on a piece of equipment, you would get it in a few days. No, it will take at least two weeks and could even be four.
The main product that caught me by surprise was the flat bench, you could find a similar product for probably $500 at Wal-Mart. This company does nothing to try and help beginners and only pays attention to large gyms that already have a following. This brand believes they have reached the top of workout equipment and do not look at ways to get into different regions of the workout industry. I believe that they are contempt of where they are and do not try to innovate on cheaper machinery for at-home gyms.
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